All active Private Elevator Inspection Agency Director, Co-Director, and Inspector Licenses set to expire on December 31, 2021, will instead expire based on the month and day (mm/dd) the license was originally issued. See below schedule.


Original License Issuance Date (mm/dd) Current Expiration Date New Expiration Date
April 01 through December 31 December 31, 2021 License issuance mm/dd in 2022
January 01 through March 31 December 31, 2021 License issuance mm/dd in 2023

Example 1:  John Doe holds a Private Elevator Inspection Agency Director license that was originally issued on April 15, 2008.  The license was set to expire on December 31, 2021.  The new expiration date will now be April 15, 2022.

Example 2:  Jane Smith holds a Private Elevator Inspection Agency Inspector license that was originally issued on February 2, 2012.  The license was set to expire on December 31, 2021.  The new expiration date will now be February 2, 2023.

You are not required to replace your current license card. While your card will still list the expiration date as December 31, 2021, DOB’s records, available to the public, will reflect the new expiration date. To check the expiration date of a license, enter the license number in the Skilled Trades Licensees / General Contractors / Registrant Search in the Buildings Information System (BIS).

  • Licensees will be subject to all requirements for renewal applications.
  • All required insurance policies must be maintained during the extended period.
  • Applications to renew licenses must be timely submitted based on the new expiration dates.
  • The license expiration date affects permit expiration dates. Renew your license prior to renewing permits.
  • Licensees must meet all requirements for renewal when submitting their application.


For more information about license/registration renewal requirements, visit the Licensing Unit’s webpage:

Note:  If you already submitted your License Renewal application, it will still be reviewed; and once approved, your expiration date will be 3 years from the extended expiration date.